Excellent. A couple of points to add on heat pumps. Around 20 per cent of people live in flats and there are a myriad of problems and considerations that make retro installation a problem in them. Then there is the problem with communal heating for a proportion of the flats and leasehold barriers. I live in a house and told that if I ever considered a heat pump I would need to install a larger 1 1/2" pipe closer to the nearest rads. This is a problem as I have concrete floors.

As you dig deeper other problems arise. I remember the hydrogen village in Fife for 300 homes. I did a calculation at the time and it came in at £100k + per home. Time for an update from there too I think? I'm awaiting a FOI regarding Enfield's own mini Drax.

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Brilliant, David. Deserves to be seen more widely.

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One thing NetZero does deliver is an ever increasing state control of life, as well as pushing us towards the sort of crisis that revolutionary gifts arise from.

It would be a good Marxist tactic for example.

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