Brilliant as usual David. You have revealed in stunning detail the symptoms of the madness which infects the brains of our great leaders and what the impact upon us long suffering underlings will be. It is not a madness that can be cured or even treated I fear. These people need to be isolated and cared for as best they can. But most vitally, they urgently need to be separated from the reins of power and from the institutions charged with delivering the insane decisions which they are making. Because the killer awoke at the dawn of the CCA in 2008 and he's now in the house, going from room to room.

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Who is going to play the Martin Sheen character and sail up the river to the heart of darkness to slay the sacred cow of Net Zero?

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Probably not Nigel Farage.

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Is there no plan for all the waste energy involved? Presumably low grade heat? Love the phrase “crime against thermodynamics” :-)

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And you know the worst thing? The inevitable photo shoot & press conference post the first tonne of “green” hydrogen being produced claiming the programs success & the “levelling” up of industry. Eugh.

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Drax is expecting to get approval (and yet more subsidies) to fit a CCS system to its power plant which they claim will somehow make it “carbon negative”: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/01/06/coal-power-station-drax-approval-net-zero-carbon-capture/. Update: Now covered by Paul Homewood https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2024/01/07/coal-power-station-drax-to-win-approval-for-net-zero-carbon-capture-plan/.

It sounds as if they are going to use CCS on their biomass plants. It was the cheating EU which started the biomass wheeze by declaring that it is OK to burn wood pellets because they are carbon neutral (but only a hundred years after re-planting). If the UK government were at all honest, it would declare that burning wood pellets from clean-cut forests is nowhere near carbon neutral, in fact overall much worse than coal. But it isn’t, so it won’t.

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It was "BECCS" Rebecca Heaton who fixed it for them as a prominent member of the CCC and the Technical Director at Drax. A conflict of interest that should have been disallowed at the outset.

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An excellent article! If only our leaders had a minimum understanding of thermodynamics. It's sad that C.P. Snow's assertion about 2 cultures is as true today as when he delivered his Rede Lecture in 1959. You can download the lecture here.


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Michael Flanders: Ah! H2SO4 Professor. And the reciprocal of π to your good wife!

Donald Swan: (Tart!)

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The news that Chris Skidmore is resigning his seat in a huff over government plans to allow more oil and gas exploration have been widely met with the response "Good riddance!" Let us hope that is so, and he hasn't simply lined himself up as the permanent replacement for Deben at the CCC.

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Skidmark quit because of new O&G licenses. The irony being that he is paid £80K/yr by a carbon capture company. If CCUS is retrofitted to gas-fired power plants, they will need more gas to provide the same electricity output. His company needs more gas to be successful.

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Good article!

The energy needed to manufacture, isolate, and contain 1 kg of H2 exceeds it's energy density, but that is typically ignored by the other side.

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Won't happen, you can bet the farm on it!

The times they are a'changin, slowly at present but speeding up, people have had enough.

This lot are making the same mistake as other past collectivist regimes such as the USSR and Mao's Cultural Revolution, they don't take into account human nature.

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Problem is with Labour and Lib Dems promoting an even more insane criminal acts against thermodynamics there is going to be no change for a while yet as the majority of people don't get what is happening and by the time they can see the impact on themselves it will be too late i fear.

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I have the double LP (Weird Scenes...), and I used to play "The End" at high volume on our good stereo HiFi to the listening microphones in our Moscow flat. I hope the KGB liked it. Little did I think at the time that instead of being highly apposite to the Soviet situation it would become so relevant here, but I have felt that way for some years now. Unfortunately...

You know that it would be untrue

You know that I would be a liar

If I was to say to you

...that it couldn't all get much worse.

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This HAR fund has passed me by so thanks for shining a spotlight on it. I looked at one of the winners a company called Hygen who will build a 24.5MW facility in Bradford producing hydrogen for local car users and buses. The former is farcical as minimal cars need hydrogen but for the latter the local operator is already investing in electric buses. Its built next to gas site so has potential to be connected but in short term will need to be transported somewhere by expensive heavy diesel powered lorries. The whole concept is untried and untested and then they want to double down with HAR2 at 3x the output. Sheer lunacy.

The least mad idea is to keep CCGTs and try and come up with cost effective CCUS although im not hopeful at least it keeps gas in the frame which is the only short term means we have to generate reliable leccy for at least a decade as i just can't see any more nuclear this side of 2040.

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