We have got the ball at our feet in one way because we can now speak to people about something that really matters to them, using language that they can understand backed by rock-solid data. This is radically different from the situation in the climate debate that can never be won in public debate because it is incomprehensible to most people.
The Energy Realists of Australia have been sending briefing notes to 800 state and federal politicians and a couple of hundred journalists, but they don't take any notice, and our next move is to get wider distribution to the public.
In case you can use the work we have done, check out our list of briefing notes.
I can recommend trawling through Euan Mearns' Energy Matters site. It is moribund but still available (sometimes Wayback helps to recover lost diagrams) and there is a fair bit of Australia specific discussion. There were a number of regular contributors with several experts in particular areas, some of whom may well have contributed to your group.
Come 2029, the commercial money markets will see the huge prospects of earnings from small modular reactors (SMRs) and that will suck the lifeblood out of investment in dysfunctional wind and solar power plants (WASPPs)
Rolls-Royce's UK SMRs will bring manufacturing back to the UK, to power the grid with pollution-free, on demand electricity capable of load following whilst operating at 100% availability. Dedicated UK SMRs will manufacture nuclear enabled hydrogen (NEH) to displace the burning of fossil fuels in transport, industry, etc., and the cost will only be ½ as much as the savings.
"During his presentation, Thomas dives into our company's groundbreaking vision for how our innovative nuclear technology will provide an abundance of low-cost, green energy. He highlights how mass manufacturing of our innovative thorium molten salt reactors will disrupt the energy sector making energy production more cost-effective than ever before.
Want to help? Consider sharing our videos, subscribe to our channel and turn on the notification bell to stay updated on the latest developments on the Copenhagen Atomics waste burner. It helps us grow our business and technology if the channel keeps growing.
Correction: In the video, the reactors are described to have a lifespan of 50 years. However, it is the nuclear plant that will operate for 50 years, whereas the individual reactors within the plant will run for a period of 5 years. After this period, the reactors will undergo decommissioning, recycling, and be replaced with new reactor units. Learn more about our company: https://www.copenhagenatomics.com "
If you search the document for “energy consumption” you find the following on Page 5:
“With net imports up, the UK increased its use of fossil fuels. The main fossil fuel sources in the UK are coal, gas and oil. In 2021, the share of primary energy consumption from fossil fuels increased to 78.3 per cent from the record low of 76.8 per cent in 2020, whilst that from low-carbon sources decreased to 19.4 per cent from the record high of 21.2 per cent last year due to reduced nuclear and renewables output, but still 9.3 percentage points up from 2010.”
So after 15 years of painful striving since the 2008 Climate Change Act, the UK is still 78% dependent on fossil fuels for its primary energy supply. What’s worse, the paltry reduction so far has largely been achieved by offshoring industries and importing the goods “energy free”.
Yet ask any politician and you will be told that we are making great progress towards achieving Net Zero. Half of them are fools and the other half are treasonous liars.
I beg to differ that they are fools - liars undoubtedly, but not fools. The know (like their American cousins here) that Net Zero is a money maker - for them - not us.
There is no profitability downside. If after draining the coffers it doesn't work or falls woefully short of stated goals, they can always say the climate catastrophe is accelerating and out paced the studies made 20 years ago, when they started it all. The dirty peasants are the cause and as such, must pay even more to fix the devastation of mother earth - but "we can save her with a new tax".
This is a grift, as we say. Long practiced to great effect and wealth, by those in power.
It usually stops when people are jailed or historically drug to the gallows, heads are lopped off or they are drawn and quartered. But of course we are much to civilized in this day and age for "that sort of barbarity..." said as pearls are being clutched.
They know exactly what they are doing, every step of the way.
I stick with my fools/liars classification although obviously the relative numbers are moot.
The politicians who reach positions of authority will all have been briefed that “climate change” is a hoax demanded by their globalist overlords (ditto the Covid hoax) and so everything they say on the subject is a lie.
Most politicians without the ability to rise {e.g. my own MP) will probably not have been briefed so are in the same position as the general public, fed a constant blizzard of lies and propaganda by their leaders and the bought-and-paid-for mainstream media. Like most of the general public, they haven’t the wit (or motivation) to do their own research. They are fools who have swallowed the “official” false propaganda hook, line and sinker.
They are not surviving contact with wind droughts after countries run down coal to the point where we actually need input from the intermittent providers. Like the legendary farmer who incrementally reduced the rations for his workhorse until it died.
The question is, how did the meteorologists manage to ignore or not notice wind droughts until the system is almost wrecked?
Below is a link to a series of pieces in The Australian Spectator over the last few months.
A picture is forming of gross negligence on the part of the meteorologists of the world, headed by the World Meteorological Organization.
It was left to independent wind watchers in Australia to find the wind droughts that severely impact the delivery of power from the registered wind generators connected to the grid.
The first describes the parallel universe situation where the people in one universe think we are having a rapid green transition and the others know that we are going anywhere fast and it is not going to happen.
The second describes The Voice of wind literacy and the series of studies of wind droughts in Australia, with little or no wind across the whole of the NEM, the electricity grid of SE Australia.
The third explains the three factors that combine to destroy the sustainability of wind and solar power.
The fourth expands the scope to Europe which is haunted by the spectre of power failure. The question is asked: why was there no warning from the professional meteorologists?
Joining the dots to see the connection between the role of the WMO, the World Meteorological Organization, in the rise of climate alarmism and the ongoing activities of meteorologists around the world in adjusting official temperature records and not noticing wind droughts.
There is a long history to this. Proponents of renewables solutions have tended to avoid real weather data in their modelling. I can cite in the case of Australia the work of Prof Andrew Blakers about a decade ago. He took some hourly data from BoM across the geography and ran correlations between the different areas on that hourly basis, and used an overall averaging scheme to derive expected capacity factors for each area.
I mention this because the next step is to calculate an eigenvalue matrix for the cross correlation matrix (somehow appropriate for this blog!) which he applied to a random number series to generate his wind forecasts - a technique often employed in Monte Carlo modelling. What the technique utterly fails to do is to pick up longer periods of correlation associated with real weather systems, while exaggerating the degree of lack of correlation. The result is that the modelled wind tends to be blowing somewhere and periods of Dunkelflaute are very short. So his study for AEMO concluded that the NEM could achieve a renewables based grid with just 350GWh of storage, essentially to shift some solar (for which he assumed 2 axis panels with an almost square wave output during sunlit hours) after dark. He then invoked Far North Queensland as an allegedly anti-correlated area. Having unmasked his statistical prestidigitation it inspired me to look at FNQ which resulted in my analysis of Thursday Island in the Torres Strait which identified a prolonged period of summer doldrums, and also undermined the storage claims by identifying a lengthy period of cloudiness.
Policies to improverish householders with pseudoscientific green taxes appears to be to Conservatives what policies to sexualise school children is to the SNP. The majority of people don't want them, yet they pursue them anyway, to the detriment of their support. I'm fairly certain that, if they explained physical reality, the electorate would respond very positively.
Unfortunately, despite noble attempts by many to explain the physics and the economics which prove the futility of renewables investments, this explanation is always in the comments or in the details. The fools in the general public only read the HEADLINES posted by the biased "woke" liberal media.
We have got the ball at our feet in one way because we can now speak to people about something that really matters to them, using language that they can understand backed by rock-solid data. This is radically different from the situation in the climate debate that can never be won in public debate because it is incomprehensible to most people.
The Energy Realists of Australia have been sending briefing notes to 800 state and federal politicians and a couple of hundred journalists, but they don't take any notice, and our next move is to get wider distribution to the public.
In case you can use the work we have done, check out our list of briefing notes.
I can recommend trawling through Euan Mearns' Energy Matters site. It is moribund but still available (sometimes Wayback helps to recover lost diagrams) and there is a fair bit of Australia specific discussion. There were a number of regular contributors with several experts in particular areas, some of whom may well have contributed to your group.
Yes, Reality (AKA Truth) will win out in the end. The longer Truth is hidden, the messier things get.
Discovery of mass graves when marxist / communist regimes get held in check, comes to mind.
This summer, Greenland's icesheet is still GAINING ice volume, not losing.
The Russians still can't move their newest icebreakers through the ice on the polar route.
And an Oregon country is suing big oil because of a "heat dome" two years ago.
VIVA Reality !!!
Come 2029, the commercial money markets will see the huge prospects of earnings from small modular reactors (SMRs) and that will suck the lifeblood out of investment in dysfunctional wind and solar power plants (WASPPs)
Rolls-Royce's UK SMRs will bring manufacturing back to the UK, to power the grid with pollution-free, on demand electricity capable of load following whilst operating at 100% availability. Dedicated UK SMRs will manufacture nuclear enabled hydrogen (NEH) to displace the burning of fossil fuels in transport, industry, etc., and the cost will only be ½ as much as the savings.
'How Nuclear Enabled Hydrogen (NEH) Will Save The Planet': https://colinmegson.substack.com/p/how-nuclear-enabled-hydrogen-neh
'The cost of powering the UK with SMRs & NEH ~~~~is 2X better than a zero-sum-game!~~~~': https://colinmegson.substack.com/p/the-cost-of-powering-the-uk-with
A much better plan than PWR SMRs like Rolls-Royce:
Energy Future Unveiled! THORIUM Molten Salt Reactors, Copenhagen Atomics:
"During his presentation, Thomas dives into our company's groundbreaking vision for how our innovative nuclear technology will provide an abundance of low-cost, green energy. He highlights how mass manufacturing of our innovative thorium molten salt reactors will disrupt the energy sector making energy production more cost-effective than ever before.
Want to help? Consider sharing our videos, subscribe to our channel and turn on the notification bell to stay updated on the latest developments on the Copenhagen Atomics waste burner. It helps us grow our business and technology if the channel keeps growing.
Correction: In the video, the reactors are described to have a lifespan of 50 years. However, it is the nuclear plant that will operate for 50 years, whereas the individual reactors within the plant will run for a period of 5 years. After this period, the reactors will undergo decommissioning, recycling, and be replaced with new reactor units. Learn more about our company: https://www.copenhagenatomics.com "
I’ve just had a look at the current (July 2022) Digest of UK Energy Statistics: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1135950/DUKES_2022.pdf
If you search the document for “energy consumption” you find the following on Page 5:
“With net imports up, the UK increased its use of fossil fuels. The main fossil fuel sources in the UK are coal, gas and oil. In 2021, the share of primary energy consumption from fossil fuels increased to 78.3 per cent from the record low of 76.8 per cent in 2020, whilst that from low-carbon sources decreased to 19.4 per cent from the record high of 21.2 per cent last year due to reduced nuclear and renewables output, but still 9.3 percentage points up from 2010.”
So after 15 years of painful striving since the 2008 Climate Change Act, the UK is still 78% dependent on fossil fuels for its primary energy supply. What’s worse, the paltry reduction so far has largely been achieved by offshoring industries and importing the goods “energy free”.
Yet ask any politician and you will be told that we are making great progress towards achieving Net Zero. Half of them are fools and the other half are treasonous liars.
I beg to differ that they are fools - liars undoubtedly, but not fools. The know (like their American cousins here) that Net Zero is a money maker - for them - not us.
There is no profitability downside. If after draining the coffers it doesn't work or falls woefully short of stated goals, they can always say the climate catastrophe is accelerating and out paced the studies made 20 years ago, when they started it all. The dirty peasants are the cause and as such, must pay even more to fix the devastation of mother earth - but "we can save her with a new tax".
This is a grift, as we say. Long practiced to great effect and wealth, by those in power.
It usually stops when people are jailed or historically drug to the gallows, heads are lopped off or they are drawn and quartered. But of course we are much to civilized in this day and age for "that sort of barbarity..." said as pearls are being clutched.
They know exactly what they are doing, every step of the way.
I stick with my fools/liars classification although obviously the relative numbers are moot.
The politicians who reach positions of authority will all have been briefed that “climate change” is a hoax demanded by their globalist overlords (ditto the Covid hoax) and so everything they say on the subject is a lie.
Most politicians without the ability to rise {e.g. my own MP) will probably not have been briefed so are in the same position as the general public, fed a constant blizzard of lies and propaganda by their leaders and the bought-and-paid-for mainstream media. Like most of the general public, they haven’t the wit (or motivation) to do their own research. They are fools who have swallowed the “official” false propaganda hook, line and sinker.
"Half of them are fools and the other half are treasonous liars."
What can you expect from people who can't tell the difference between men and women any more?
They are not surviving contact with wind droughts after countries run down coal to the point where we actually need input from the intermittent providers. Like the legendary farmer who incrementally reduced the rations for his workhorse until it died.
The question is, how did the meteorologists manage to ignore or not notice wind droughts until the system is almost wrecked?
Below is a link to a series of pieces in The Australian Spectator over the last few months.
A picture is forming of gross negligence on the part of the meteorologists of the world, headed by the World Meteorological Organization.
It was left to independent wind watchers in Australia to find the wind droughts that severely impact the delivery of power from the registered wind generators connected to the grid.
The first describes the parallel universe situation where the people in one universe think we are having a rapid green transition and the others know that we are going anywhere fast and it is not going to happen.
The second describes The Voice of wind literacy and the series of studies of wind droughts in Australia, with little or no wind across the whole of the NEM, the electricity grid of SE Australia.
The third explains the three factors that combine to destroy the sustainability of wind and solar power.
The fourth expands the scope to Europe which is haunted by the spectre of power failure. The question is asked: why was there no warning from the professional meteorologists?
Joining the dots to see the connection between the role of the WMO, the World Meteorological Organization, in the rise of climate alarmism and the ongoing activities of meteorologists around the world in adjusting official temperature records and not noticing wind droughts.
There is a long history to this. Proponents of renewables solutions have tended to avoid real weather data in their modelling. I can cite in the case of Australia the work of Prof Andrew Blakers about a decade ago. He took some hourly data from BoM across the geography and ran correlations between the different areas on that hourly basis, and used an overall averaging scheme to derive expected capacity factors for each area.
I mention this because the next step is to calculate an eigenvalue matrix for the cross correlation matrix (somehow appropriate for this blog!) which he applied to a random number series to generate his wind forecasts - a technique often employed in Monte Carlo modelling. What the technique utterly fails to do is to pick up longer periods of correlation associated with real weather systems, while exaggerating the degree of lack of correlation. The result is that the modelled wind tends to be blowing somewhere and periods of Dunkelflaute are very short. So his study for AEMO concluded that the NEM could achieve a renewables based grid with just 350GWh of storage, essentially to shift some solar (for which he assumed 2 axis panels with an almost square wave output during sunlit hours) after dark. He then invoked Far North Queensland as an allegedly anti-correlated area. Having unmasked his statistical prestidigitation it inspired me to look at FNQ which resulted in my analysis of Thursday Island in the Torres Strait which identified a prolonged period of summer doldrums, and also undermined the storage claims by identifying a lengthy period of cloudiness.
Policies to improverish householders with pseudoscientific green taxes appears to be to Conservatives what policies to sexualise school children is to the SNP. The majority of people don't want them, yet they pursue them anyway, to the detriment of their support. I'm fairly certain that, if they explained physical reality, the electorate would respond very positively.
Unfortunately, despite noble attempts by many to explain the physics and the economics which prove the futility of renewables investments, this explanation is always in the comments or in the details. The fools in the general public only read the HEADLINES posted by the biased "woke" liberal media.