meanwhile our State Premier announces another 1.8 billion to 'fast-track' transmission lines to connect all the white elephants that are to surround our homes and destroy our farmland. Vestas and co are very keen to sell their wares to us unsuspecting dolts in Oz as other markets turn away.

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I doubt very much any parliamentarian will openly switch and certainly won't offer up any apology for wasting all our money. They never apologise. Ever. Most have no understanding of science and a locked in a cult so no matter what the news they'll plough on, just look at Sri Lanka.

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Phrases like “the chickens are coming home to roost” and “the truth will out” and “we told you so” spring to mind. The wind power industry and the government are spinning that costs have only recently risen but the truth is that wind power costs have always been very high.

Andrew Montford of GWPF does a great demolition job in his recent paper “A fairy story about offshore wind costs” https://www.netzerowatch.com/a-fairy-story-offshore-wind-costs/.

We are told constantly that the world is in the midst of a transition from fossil fuels to “green” energy. The mainstream media commonly report this as fact but in reality, no such transition is underway, nor will it ever be: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2023/07/there-is-no-transition.php.

Francis Menton of Manhatton Contrarian has recently posted that the world is now spending $1 trillion per year, plus or minus, invested in wind and solar “renewables” plus grid upgrades and energy storage needed to accommodate them. And for that vast sum of money, the percent of primary energy from fossil fuels does not budge by even a tenth of a percent. And, as world energy consumption increases, carbon emissions just continue to increase. The trillion is just completely wasted: https://www.manhattancontrarian.com/blog/2023-6-29-world-now-wasting-more-than-1-trillion-per-year-on-investing-in-useless-renewables.

The establishment is in disarray because the fiction of cheap wind power is central to their pretence that Net Zero is achievable at low cost. Their continued lying make it obvious that their precious Net Zero agenda has nothing to do with climate, it’s all about authoritarian control, a treasonous trojan horse to tyrannical one-world governance https://metatron.substack.com/p/the-undemocratic-tyranny-of-net-zero.

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"The mainstream media commonly report this as fact but in reality, no such transition is underway".

Maybe not in the US but it is being done in Africa. Both South Africa where it's a disaster happening and the blackouts are increasing as well as they now have to expand grid capacity to accommodate the RE W&S Scourge. The taxpayer is funding it for the RE industry who when convenient demands "Private Generation" but passes its transmission & distribution capital investment obligation onto the taxpayer as well as the future maintenance thereof. We are also funding its hopium of large scale batterie project to apparently solve its non commodity (intermittent VRE) into one that is reliable and despatchable.

Following the Australian playbook.

The same thing is happening in Nigeria by the same scoundrels - https://www.seforall.org/news/nigerias-energy-transition-office-hosts-private-sector-roundtable

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Yes, I covered the offshore wind big lie here:


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Contingency plan: ☢️

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Not to mention their "dark secret" is going to be exposed - it is killing the whales https://public.substack.com/p/save-the-whales-again

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