Very funny, very real, and what I liked best was the piss take of the "Far wrong" woke agenda Guaradon that likes to claim its some sort of balanced newspaper not funded and operated by deluded woke lefties quoting other woke lefty "No thinking tanks" funded by woke lefty millionaires to pump out the supposed "scientific authenticity" so the Guaradon can publish it.
And the sad bit is that the "Far right" Consocialists have allowed some of these cranks to be funded with your taxpayers money
In this parallel world soon to become reality Millibrain will likely double down on AR6 and allocate even more funding to offshore wind as he seeks to stand on the altar of egotism that it is he who is saving the world and will on his disciples from other left leaning wokerati states. Hes dooming us by 2030 to blackouts and potential social anarchy but by the time everyone realises it will too late. So my vein hope rests on Reeves putting a block on going too far too fast and the clever engineers in the ESO growing a pair and standing by their mantra that "keeping the lights" on is mission critical so we if we are do this (its not going to stopped yet if ever) we need to do it in a controlled way and at a pace that doesn't drive up costs and impose unreliability. Thus i will repeat it again until the grid can be reconfigured to make use of what is already built there should be NO more windmills anywhere that doesn't have grid capacity now - basically thats Scotland which won't have additional transmission capacity to England until 2029 (Eastern Link 2). Adding anymore now will just push up constraint costs even further which is what has happened over last year since Seagreen 1GW was commissioned. Grid people know this and whilst NG are clearly milking it certain transmission assets now have to be built so Millibrain should concentrate his efforts on breaking the coalition of conflicted eco warriors who both want windmills but aren't prepared to have the pylons in their backyards.
So at the moment we are seen as the extremists when rubbish their plans but correct as we are will only drive them on further what we need to influence is at least a mid course correction to avoid a calamity come the 2030's.
This parallel universe seems uncomfortably close to our own, which probably reflects recent demands by woke Far-wrong academics that all parallel universes now become intersectional.
If we are up against a climate catastrophe, we cannot afford to implement measures that only identify as cheap and reliable.
Remember, you aren't "Far right" just "right so far"
Very funny, very real, and what I liked best was the piss take of the "Far wrong" woke agenda Guaradon that likes to claim its some sort of balanced newspaper not funded and operated by deluded woke lefties quoting other woke lefty "No thinking tanks" funded by woke lefty millionaires to pump out the supposed "scientific authenticity" so the Guaradon can publish it.
And the sad bit is that the "Far right" Consocialists have allowed some of these cranks to be funded with your taxpayers money
The FAR WRONG! That's a good one. I'm going to use that.
Ha ha! Absolutely brilliant. S*d the poor should be in there somewhere too
In this parallel world soon to become reality Millibrain will likely double down on AR6 and allocate even more funding to offshore wind as he seeks to stand on the altar of egotism that it is he who is saving the world and will on his disciples from other left leaning wokerati states. Hes dooming us by 2030 to blackouts and potential social anarchy but by the time everyone realises it will too late. So my vein hope rests on Reeves putting a block on going too far too fast and the clever engineers in the ESO growing a pair and standing by their mantra that "keeping the lights" on is mission critical so we if we are do this (its not going to stopped yet if ever) we need to do it in a controlled way and at a pace that doesn't drive up costs and impose unreliability. Thus i will repeat it again until the grid can be reconfigured to make use of what is already built there should be NO more windmills anywhere that doesn't have grid capacity now - basically thats Scotland which won't have additional transmission capacity to England until 2029 (Eastern Link 2). Adding anymore now will just push up constraint costs even further which is what has happened over last year since Seagreen 1GW was commissioned. Grid people know this and whilst NG are clearly milking it certain transmission assets now have to be built so Millibrain should concentrate his efforts on breaking the coalition of conflicted eco warriors who both want windmills but aren't prepared to have the pylons in their backyards.
So at the moment we are seen as the extremists when rubbish their plans but correct as we are will only drive them on further what we need to influence is at least a mid course correction to avoid a calamity come the 2030's.
This parallel universe seems uncomfortably close to our own, which probably reflects recent demands by woke Far-wrong academics that all parallel universes now become intersectional.
Absolutely brilliant. Of course the far-wrong won’t get it because they have no sense of humour.
This is the comment I came here to write; you already did it better. 💯
I got my data from the BBC and Wikipedia.,UK%20turnout,-Registered%20voters%3A,)%5B2%5D