**Why do they always have their hair dyed red?**

Or purple hair, safety pins stuck through various body appendages, and generally dress as though they shopped at the Lost & Found. A large proportion of them are morbidly obese.

These activists have a deep sense of self-loathing, layered with a brittle veneer of industrial-grade narcissism. Hence their absurd appearance, hysterical rages over nothing, and denunciations of those who dare to criticize them.

They are engaged in a constant battle to feel good about themselves, and continually failing.

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Nice posts David. I happened upon your substack via a comment under a recent spiked article https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/04/24/the-inhumanity-of-the-green-agenda/?section=comments. I have campaigned against the madness of the “climate change” agenda for many years. Over the last three years I have also campaigned against the Covid scam, highlighting its parallels to the climate change scam. Many of the emails I sent out have been published online by Joel Smalley and others.

We are obviously very much on the same wavelength on Net Zero.

I’ve recently started to wind down my campaigning efforts for personal reasons. My recent “swan song” was https://thewhiterose.uk/the-undemocratic-tyranny-of-modern-government/, a follow-up to my post https://metatron.substack.com/p/the-undemocratic-tyranny-of-net-zero. These were addressed to two Scottish politicians who coincidentally both posted me a political flyer bragging about what they were doing on Net Zero. Needless to say neither of them replied.

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Glad you liked the articles.

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Thanks for this article David, a really good run down.

May I add also, that this policy seems to fall out of the sky, as if by magic, into the Parliaments of the UK, Canada, Australia etc ...all looking almost identical in form and even text. [And not just on Net Zero, but also on 'Online Harms' etc]. That's because the propagation of this agenda is in no way organic, and arising from the concerns of MPs in our legislatures.

It is the implementation of the UN's Agenda 2030 programme, which our nations are signed onto, and the actual policy initiatives (and in many cases the draft Bills, or programme packs for City and Council teams) are being pumped out by the tentacles of the ISD (Institute for Strategic Dialogue, in London), and it's downstream body C40. https://www.c40.org/

C40 is the name everyone needs to familiarise themselves with. They work on a top-down basis, AND a bottom-up basis. If you actually look at the framework Oxford are implementing for the 15 minute city plan, you will see C40's logo. This is where all of it is coming from. Oxford is a 'C40 city' - they are signed on to the C40 agenda (and their residents have no idea that has happened). Ditto for Khan's implementation in London. Khan signed London up as a C40 city also. You see the exact same policies being rolled out on the other side of the world too, such as Melbourne, Australia... why? - because they're also signed on to C40.

The ISD have other tentacles, one of the most concerning of which is the SCN (Strong Cities Network), that I strongly recommend readers look into. https://strongcitiesnetwork.org/en/

The aim of the SCN is build a policing and security framework that is loyal to it's supranational SCN network & goals, *not to the citizens* where they are doing the policing. Naturally, they are heavily focused on 'extremism' and 'terrorism' ...whilst simultaneously being rather coy and wide-lens about what those words exactly mean.

They also have the Mayors programme, whereby they send activists to a target city to create a petition and a kind of Potemkin movement (that looks like citizen demand) petitioning local government to establish a Mayoralty. If successful, they install their people (as, they were already ready with the candidate and campaign, natch), and then they begin to build out their presence and start pushing through their policy aims, and having their new Mayor sign the city up to all these globalist agenda programmes.

The ISD and it's satellites have tentacles absolutely everywhere, and are using a pincer movement on a complacent public. Their funding is, as expected, a veritable who's who of globalist grifters, all the organisations, and "foundations" with first class cabin seats on the Great Reset / Agenda 2030 gravy train - https://www.isdglobal.org/partnerships-and-funders/

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