A very small point, but one I like to always show, is rather than say £3,600M write £3,600,000,000 it helps to show the staggering sums involved. But great work David as usual.
It reveals that for installations which are smaller than 30kW and lacking an export meter, exports are simply deemed. The most recent DESNZ announcement of the value is 50% of generation (75% for small hydro), valued at the time averaged 24x365 Balancing Mechanism System price (which also applies to metered exports). I suspect the export revenues reported only relate to metered exports.
The cost of the scheme is raised from bills by re-charging it under the levelisation scheme, which shares it out on the basis of market shares of overall MWh by retailer. Retailers provide the payments to licence holders and charge the levelisation scheme for payments made and administration costs. It's worth noting that licence holders include installers who financed installations for consumers, retaining ownership and rights to FiT revenues, and only paying consumers a residual sum having taken their cut. Retailers have a small incentive to make payments under the scheme since they can claim nominal exports purchased as greenwashed supply even though there are no REGOs attached.
"...The only renewables policy that makes sense is to build big installations where the energy is – which means high ground, estuaries or the open sea –..."
Those words are of a complete madman obsessed with a hoax, unthinking of the environment, ecology and utterly devoid of common sense.
I, personally don't think folk should be paid for the energy they generate from solar. I say that as someone with solar panels. I do think batteries should be tax deductible, as should solar water heaters.
The insanity of ramming thousands of tons of concrete and steel into the ground, destroying miles of habitat for an inefficient, unreliable, subsidy dependent, economically ruinous, incredibly expensive is obvious. Monbiot can't be thick, which only leaves malicious. Why? Why are greens determined to destroy the environment?
Hi David, your work has helped me to explain to my children why everything they are being told is from Fairyland. They are the next generation and they all (3) have been schooled n the tripe fed to our children about climate change within the curriculum. You are helping to explain to them the true cost of Net Zero and the madness of Milliband. So, thank you for all you do; we need to wake up as a nation to the direction of travel, but we really need our children to understand the folly of Net Zero.
Thank you David, and for your work in 2024. I look forward to more in 2025. I must be a glutton for punishment as the reports shine a light on the disheartening folly of those running (ruining) the show. As it happens I have rooftop solar with batteries, installed after the FiT ended so I don't have on my conscience that I'm being subsidised by folk in energy poverty. I fitted the system for the purely selfish motive of reducing energy bills and was lucky to have done so before the big hike in energy prices in 2022, and before Ed Miliband reduced engine thrust and pushed the control column hard forward. It's working out quite well though I acknowledge my very small part in making management of the grid more difficult.
On a point of detail: "The average payment peaked at £310/MWh in 2022/23" I think should read "2012/2013".
'Per subsidium subsistentiae' - 'Through subsidy to subsistence.'
Its hard to believe how stupid the western nations have been so far….
Not only did we allow our wealth that our nations built up over 2 centuries with industrialization to be transferred to the rest in just 2 decades by rapid de-industrialization, but we swallowed the religion of a climate emergency and like good gullible boy scouts have further prostrated our already ailing economies with a NetZero scam journey.
If we had stayed out of the globalization and climate emergency scams and focused on providing low-cost energy to continue our industrial dominance we would be in a far different place today.
Some of us are old enough to remember the golden promise of nuclear power. Image where we would be now if we had not only continued to install that technology but funded it as aggressively as we have the massive waste on wind and solar. We would probably have not only nuclear across most of our static energy needs but probably in most of our large mobile applications such as ships and trains and as they got smaller even planes. With widespread technologically driven affordability we would have been able to have saved many lives by using advanced nuclear power solutions to avoid the pollution we still have in the developing world.
But instead we have brainless politicos continuing to dig the same hole deeper.. huge F****** shame.
Happy new year….. maybe our next politicos can be smarter…well maybe.
Well stated; all true. Unfortunately time does not go backwards, it merely becomes history and interpretations of the same. Of course the youngsters, aged under 50, are less well disposed to that topic, the more recent generations not even more so but ignorant of it, like the foreigners that are cluttering up our nation’s support services designed for and paid for by the indigenous. So behind the knowledgeable there is an increasing vacuum of appreciation of what this nation is let alone was. That vacuum will breed its own tribal mores and increasing social discords. Even now some of the latter are evident albeit by actions of disaffected individuals. This nation’s leadership for decades has been abysmal and out-of- touch with realities and more intent on personal aggrandisement and the competition of virtue signalling. The working men and women have now had enough, and any party that expresses an intent to savage the current model of governance will be supported. Within al that will the demolition of the woke ideology of climate change and net zero together with a revolution in teaching facts to our school age people. I look forward to the next opportunities to vote!
A very small point, but one I like to always show, is rather than say £3,600M write £3,600,000,000 it helps to show the staggering sums involved. But great work David as usual.
The key OFGEM page on the tariffs is here
It reveals that for installations which are smaller than 30kW and lacking an export meter, exports are simply deemed. The most recent DESNZ announcement of the value is 50% of generation (75% for small hydro), valued at the time averaged 24x365 Balancing Mechanism System price (which also applies to metered exports). I suspect the export revenues reported only relate to metered exports.
The cost of the scheme is raised from bills by re-charging it under the levelisation scheme, which shares it out on the basis of market shares of overall MWh by retailer. Retailers provide the payments to licence holders and charge the levelisation scheme for payments made and administration costs. It's worth noting that licence holders include installers who financed installations for consumers, retaining ownership and rights to FiT revenues, and only paying consumers a residual sum having taken their cut. Retailers have a small incentive to make payments under the scheme since they can claim nominal exports purchased as greenwashed supply even though there are no REGOs attached.
Some greens said it was a waste of money when it was launched… https://www.monbiot.com/2010/03/01/a-great-green-rip-off/
The good news is that costs are forecast to be broadly level and then start dropping to zero from around 2032.
From the article you reference:
"...The only renewables policy that makes sense is to build big installations where the energy is – which means high ground, estuaries or the open sea –..."
Those words are of a complete madman obsessed with a hoax, unthinking of the environment, ecology and utterly devoid of common sense.
I, personally don't think folk should be paid for the energy they generate from solar. I say that as someone with solar panels. I do think batteries should be tax deductible, as should solar water heaters.
The insanity of ramming thousands of tons of concrete and steel into the ground, destroying miles of habitat for an inefficient, unreliable, subsidy dependent, economically ruinous, incredibly expensive is obvious. Monbiot can't be thick, which only leaves malicious. Why? Why are greens determined to destroy the environment?
You are not alone David 🤣🤣🙋... Admittedly English is not my first language though...
Not FiT for purpose!
Hi David, your work has helped me to explain to my children why everything they are being told is from Fairyland. They are the next generation and they all (3) have been schooled n the tripe fed to our children about climate change within the curriculum. You are helping to explain to them the true cost of Net Zero and the madness of Milliband. So, thank you for all you do; we need to wake up as a nation to the direction of travel, but we really need our children to understand the folly of Net Zero.
Thank you David, and for your work in 2024. I look forward to more in 2025. I must be a glutton for punishment as the reports shine a light on the disheartening folly of those running (ruining) the show. As it happens I have rooftop solar with batteries, installed after the FiT ended so I don't have on my conscience that I'm being subsidised by folk in energy poverty. I fitted the system for the purely selfish motive of reducing energy bills and was lucky to have done so before the big hike in energy prices in 2022, and before Ed Miliband reduced engine thrust and pushed the control column hard forward. It's working out quite well though I acknowledge my very small part in making management of the grid more difficult.
On a point of detail: "The average payment peaked at £310/MWh in 2022/23" I think should read "2012/2013".
'Per subsidium subsistentiae' - 'Through subsidy to subsistence.'
Good spot. Fixed it.
Its hard to believe how stupid the western nations have been so far….
Not only did we allow our wealth that our nations built up over 2 centuries with industrialization to be transferred to the rest in just 2 decades by rapid de-industrialization, but we swallowed the religion of a climate emergency and like good gullible boy scouts have further prostrated our already ailing economies with a NetZero scam journey.
If we had stayed out of the globalization and climate emergency scams and focused on providing low-cost energy to continue our industrial dominance we would be in a far different place today.
Some of us are old enough to remember the golden promise of nuclear power. Image where we would be now if we had not only continued to install that technology but funded it as aggressively as we have the massive waste on wind and solar. We would probably have not only nuclear across most of our static energy needs but probably in most of our large mobile applications such as ships and trains and as they got smaller even planes. With widespread technologically driven affordability we would have been able to have saved many lives by using advanced nuclear power solutions to avoid the pollution we still have in the developing world.
But instead we have brainless politicos continuing to dig the same hole deeper.. huge F****** shame.
Happy new year….. maybe our next politicos can be smarter…well maybe.
More at https://nigelsouthway.substack.com/
Well stated; all true. Unfortunately time does not go backwards, it merely becomes history and interpretations of the same. Of course the youngsters, aged under 50, are less well disposed to that topic, the more recent generations not even more so but ignorant of it, like the foreigners that are cluttering up our nation’s support services designed for and paid for by the indigenous. So behind the knowledgeable there is an increasing vacuum of appreciation of what this nation is let alone was. That vacuum will breed its own tribal mores and increasing social discords. Even now some of the latter are evident albeit by actions of disaffected individuals. This nation’s leadership for decades has been abysmal and out-of- touch with realities and more intent on personal aggrandisement and the competition of virtue signalling. The working men and women have now had enough, and any party that expresses an intent to savage the current model of governance will be supported. Within al that will the demolition of the woke ideology of climate change and net zero together with a revolution in teaching facts to our school age people. I look forward to the next opportunities to vote!
Are you essentially arguing that energy should be provided by a Not for Profit monopoly organisation, or be nationalised? How exactly would it work?
Sounds like another doomed Utopian scheme to me.
Would you like to have another go, because I don't understand a word of what you have written.