Sep 5, 2023Liked by David Turver

This is all proof positive of what Neil Oliver has been talking about. The politicians from all mainstream political parties no longer represent us, they have capitulated to the Bankster Overlords and even have embraced the belief that they are like parents while the public are disobedient children who must be disciplined. Democracy is dead. Representative government is dead. We need revolution.

And as for the rule of law, these new laws will be utilized like all laws nowadays. Selective enforcement. If you are in the elite class, the Neoliberal establishment, the law will not be enforced for you. If you are a government or establishment critic, the law will be vigorously enforced. That is not a legitimate legal system, that is a fascist Tyranny, laws are just rules used to beat down any opposition.

Neil Oliver: ALL manners of freedom are being eroded | Neil Oliver Live:


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Sep 6, 2023Liked by David Turver

The new Eco-Stasi will soon be with us, as anything hitherto resembling personal freedom will be removed by this clueless, useless government,all in the cause of a cultish adherence to Nut Zero.

Another layer of unaccountable bureaucracy, unnecessary, unwelcome and unwanted.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by David Turver

This is really terribly worrying :-(

Thank you.

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It's designed to be worrying. Don't waste your energy worrying, at this stage. Remain positive, but get in front of your MP and help them think about consequences .

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by David Turver

Very well said. I cover this in my latest rant posted by Joel Smalley, written before the Energy Bill had passed the Commons and making the same points as you. I described it as “naked totalitarian coercion for a horrendous ulterior motive”: https://metatron.substack.com/p/my-heretical-epitaph?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2.

I think there is more to this than just energy policy. I suspect it is one more element of stirring the pot to create more chaos and disorientation in the run-up to the Great Reset.

Are our politicians mad or bad? I think those at the top are definitely bad, coldly willing to sanction democide. Some are clearly mad as in the case of the two you cited. Others are just too thick to understand what is going on but that is no excuse, as in “I was only following orders”.

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Farage on his GB News segment yesterday on the Energy Bill started by saying “There’s something else going on in this bill, that I believe to be far more sinister”. I was hoping for a deep insight but all he came up with was that it would be a “massive expansion of the state”. Disappointing, but I suppose he has to watch what he says under the surveillance of Big Brother Ofcom. https://twitter.com/GBNEWS/status/1699331608728211670.

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I've just subscribed,as your conclusions match my own: The Great Reset is The Great Deceit , with its agitprop,its coercion, its nudging, its irrational and destructive magical thinking and its pious pretence.

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by David Turver

The war against humanity is no longer clandestine. They have openly declared us the enemy. If now is not the time for some serious civil disobedience, then when?

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This is a house of cards. Parliament is making 'energy smart regulations' (non compliance with which is punishable by civil or criminal action) for 'energy smart appliances'. The entire edifice rests upon the installation of a 'third generation' smart meter which is capable of sending 'load control' signals to smart enabled appliances. They are going to have to make smart meters compulsory, they're going to have to replace all existing smart meters which cannot send a 'load signal' to individual appliances and they are going to have to legislate to make sure that all new appliances are smart network enabled. But seriously, if they want to instigate load control across most homes, they are going to have to make the use of non-compliant (i.e. non 'energy smart') appliances illegal. Your fridge freezer and washing machine, which you've just bought, will need to be replaced immediately or by some specified future date if they are not 'energy smart'. Failure to do so will result in a fine or imprisonment. The legislation appears to be way ahead of the practical obstacles to implementation. We might well see riots.

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Riots? Let’s hope so.

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ULEZ resistance is growing and too many people are already falling into poverty.

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If you take everything away from people, they have nothing to lose.

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Covid hysteria measures proved that there will be no riots.

On the contrary, the demoralised masses will either blindly go along with it or strongly support it. Dissenters will be roundly demonized, ostracised, and as you say prosecuted.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by David Turver

Yet another bunch of utterly out-of-touch collectivists who don't believe in human nature.

It's not going to happen, fortunately.

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I agree. But what I fear most is the damage that will be done before the Laws of Physics finally triumph.

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Yes. Try as they might, government cannot repeal the laws of physics. In the battle between the radicals and physics, physics will win. The only question is who gets hurt, and how badly.

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Look up the government paper Absolute Zero. That's where this is headed - that is the intended destination.

It's horrifying.

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People have been warning about this for decades and not enough cared enough to listen.

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Very frightening, both the ongoing centralization of power and removing of human rights on every front - now they want to be able to centrally control our smart appliances [why we should not have these in our homes!!!] - but also the fact we have bumbling idiots and low quality people in charge of things they have no knowledge off.

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A “smart” appliance needs switchgear and a signal from energy HQ. Think about what could possibly go wrong.

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by David Turver

“Yet, both Government and Opposition seem hell bent on policies that will impoverish us all.”

That’s the plan. The feudal lords didn’t want prosperity among the serfs, either. They wanted 100% dependency, for that leads to 100% control.

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by David Turver

Most MPs are thick unable to think for themselves and just follow the sheep. Its nothing new but its made a lot worse these days by MPs being more worried about how they will be seen on social media. Like 1938 into 1939 until we are taken to the abyss no one will see the reality of the situation. I don't like to say this but a few massive blackouts along with fuel rationing is going to be needed for these politicians to be woken up and see the reality of their failure to challenge whats happening here.

Whilst im not entirely convinced of the climate science there is in all probability some downside from the human race getting ever larger and needing ever more resources so seeking out alternative energy sources isn't a bad thing. However, those alternatives should stand shoulder to shoulder with other forms of energy then the people can make their own choices and choose to pay a premium if they want. This is what our elected politicians should be advocating but none of the mainstream parties are.

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Very good points and our leaders are refusing to acknowledge the effects of human population pressure, as our numbers continue to rise.

So, we are faced with the mutually contradictory incoherence of Open Borders, Nut Zero, demand management and 'sustainable development'.

Sooner or later, these trends will collide; we are already witnessing the beginning of what might well lead to an essentially unmanageable mess, created by the hubris and stupidity of our leaders.

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by David Turver

The Hansard report ends with the voting details: https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2023-09-05/division/47DCC4BF-5DB0-49D6-AD9C-44698CFEFBC9/EnergyBill(Lords)?outputType=Names.

It is scant comfort to me to see that my MP and the Leader of the Scottish Conservatives both abstained.

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Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023Liked by David Turver

Thank you David for your excellent summary and analysis of this critically important debate which apparently didn't really happen.

We are at war.

What's next? Are they going to criminalise discussions which focus upon illuminating the truth about not clean nor green, unreliable subsidised renewables along with campaigns on social media and in communities which expose untruths spouted by dodgy wind developers as we push back against them in order to protect our ancient sacred landscapes?

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by David Turver

The bad news has been leaked in advance, in order not to draw too much attention to it.


Somewhere between zero and two bids for offshore wind, with a greater probability of zero. Something I have been forecasting ever since the AR5 auction terms were announced.

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by David Turver

"Manjusri is depicted as a male bodhisattva wielding a flaming sword in his right hand, representing the realization of transcendent wisdom which cuts down ignorance and duality. "

While watching a documentary on Tibet and its unfortunate people, I came across the Buddhist figure Manjusri, who is represented as wielding the flaming sword of wisdom, cutting through ignorance and stupidity.

We could do with a western version

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Correct me if I’m wrong but a smart meter can’t switch a 60 amp electricity supply off and on can it? All they can do is charge you more for peak time usage if the thing works. (When smart meters were initially mooted, ISTR they were pitched as being able to offer LOWER charge rates when there was a surplus on the grid - but the carrot mutates to a stick)

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by David Turver

correct but given SMET2 devices can communicate with the outside world its probably possible but would need further work in the premises to install a controllable device (contactor) so aint going to happen anytime soon. However, wouldn't be surprised at some point to see that all new installations will have more functionality. Of course the reality is through the late 1940's/early 50's there was a constant shortage of generation and was often simply managed without major load shedding by just putting out messages on the radio and people responded. Im pretty sure now a simple solution like that easily communicated through social media is the way to handle this rather than big brother approaches.

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Until the Internet is switched off.

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I certainly can. Smart meters can operate in prepayment mode which can be set remotely too. It only permits supply when the account is in credit. OFGEM were recently forced into action because companies were not pursuing adequate due process before cutting people off.


Now it seems they will be able to do so whenever the minister directs.

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Yes Minister was ahead of its time and we all thought it was funny; if only we'd known what lay ahead.

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Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

Read up here on what latest meters can do: https://www.smartme.co.uk/load-control.html

Much of the functionality is presented as customer-centric, and differentiated control of specific household electrical items would need additional infrastructure/solutions. That said, the current generation of meters are technically able to throttle/cut supply. Of course current legislation says "must have customer consent, blah, blah...".

Nevertheless, not too hard to imagine the national "emergency" whereby suppliers are directed to ration supply. If our nation can be locked down, electricity supply can be rationed. Also, new functionality can always be delivered direct to the meter via an over-the-air firmware update.

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if you can get paid for switching things off on a winter's teatime I can foresee lots of people "gaming" the system (switching stuff on to cause a crisis and consequent emergency payments)

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That was an identified failing with the DFS scheme last winter. Supposedly National Grid have thought of ways to minimise the amount of gaming the system to be implemented this winter.

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