David, you wrote, “Ending the production and import of fossil fuels will take us back to pre-industrial times” and “We must not beat around the bush here, if this Bill becomes law people will die. Net Zero kills.”

In order to estimate the number of deaths that will result from a return to pre-industrial times arising from permanently rejecting fossil fuels, I looked at the figure for the current population of Great Britain and compared it to that for the start of the 18th century when Newcomen (with the help of Savery and Papin) improved the steam engine thereby greatly accelerating the Industrial Revolution.

Reference 1 tells me that the British population was stable at about 6.5 million back then. It is currently about ten times that based on ONS statistics [Ref 2]. This suggests that roughly 90% of the population (i.e. almost 60 million people) must either die or emigrate (and not be replaced!) assuming the remaining agricultural land (not under solar farms) is as fertile as it was in the 18th century. That is the scale of the change being proposed. It is truly chilling.


1. Robert C. Allen, “The Industrial Revolution: A Very Short Introduction”, OUP, 2017, especially pages 5 and 46-47.

2. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/populationestimates/bulletins/annualmidyearpopulationestimates/mid2022

Regards, John C.

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Great article David - clearly shows the lefties have lost all sense of reality and sanity! I shall personally do everything opposite to the socialist dogma in the Bill if it becomes law - there comes a time in all dystopian dictatorships, for decent, reasonable people to say ‘no’

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Given that oil and gas by-products go into many forms of general household items, what is the process for isolating these items and what proportion of the oil and gas is a residue and what are the residues used for or how are they safely disposed of?

Just asking for a friend ...

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Done ✅

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Brilliant, David. I have written to our MP for NorthWest Cambridgeshire, Sam Carling (Labour), drawing heavily on your excellent analysis. Thank you for providing the bullets.

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A major problem with the bill is that it is so vague and inconsistent that it is essentially meaningless. A logical conclusion is that almost all industry and imports would be closed down. If that is not what the bill intends, it is not clear what it does intend. But then it states that the strategy "must have a positive impact on people with protected characteristics". All of us have some protected characteristics, so that makes the bill meaningless. And what is meant by "positive impact"? Then there is the problem that if passed the bill will inevitably have to be interpreted by the courts. We have seen the perverse effects that can have in the UK Oil and Gas case where the Horse Hill development was declared unlawful by the supreme court last year. The legislation stated that adverse environmental effects may scupper a development. The court interpreted "environmental" as applying to anywhere in the world, and because the oil produced would ultimately be burned the CO2 produced would be bad for the environment and therefore the development could not go ahead. We can look forward to a great many more cases like that if the legislation is passed.

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I think that's the intention

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Sounds like treason. The aim is to bring down the government and starve the population.

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Thanks for highlighting but while clearly worrying surely very low likelihood that this ever becomes law ?

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Really? Looking at the list of Labour, Lib Dem, Independent and even a few Tory MPs that have pledged their support om the Zero Hour website I would have thought it almost certain to be passed.

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Well it's got 2nd reading later this month & 192 MPs supporting it including at least two Government ministers. A large number in the Lords too. Now is the moment to highlight it and mobilise other MPs to oppose it.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”

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Writing to my MP at the moment. Sadly she is Roz Savage so it will land on very deaf ears! Her other pet subject is clean water in developing countries ignoring the fact that her local water contaminants do not meet the levels suitable for drinking. We have fitted an RO filter!

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Zee lisp is on earning his crust😂

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The real danger of this bill is not so much that it will be adopted in its entirety, but rather that it will inform Miliband of bits he would tack on to other legislation. It will not be sufficient to kill the overall bill: the individual provisions need to be dismembered.

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Mebyon Kernow is of course the party for Cornish independence. Their ideas for a green future seem to include fracking (for geothermal) but exclude solar farms as the wrong use for green fields.


As ever, greens have little idea whereof they speak.

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Its sad....... We had the same problem in Canada... Its about to get corrected.


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Actually, for a Bill such as this, which will have such a radical impact upon the lives of British citizens, we need to have a proper trial run before we should consider implementing it nationwide. So I suggest Ms Lucas and all other named supporters of CAN (including those 192 MPs) be required to submit for a period of not less than one year to all of the austerities which the introduction of CAN would impose upon the general populace. Voting on CAN should be suspended until such time as Ms Lucas and her supporters report back to us (or don't) on the results of this vital trial run controlled experiment.

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My MP is a Labour hard-left nut but I've written to him this morning, trying to frame this in leftist terms as dangerous and incompatible with government policy.

I have my doubts he'll listen (total dickhead) but I've tried.

Thanks for alerting us.

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This is just a wish list of desires pretty well undeliverable or enforceable wont survive first contact with the committee stages.

Also hardly helps Millibrain deliver his own brand of eco evangelism ie how are solar panels covering the landscape made of nasty chemicals from a foreign power or the march of pylons across the country or those nasty windmills that kill birds going to be compliant with this nonsense!!

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